Grandma Snow’s Chocolate Sauce
Chocolate Sauce on Vanilla Ice Cream
From the moment you begin stirring
the ingredients, you’re continuing the legacy.
When you pour this hot chocolate sauce over your ice cream, the ice cream starts to melt. The chocolate sauce starts to thicken as it cools turning fudgey. You pick up your bowl and enjoy the warmth on the bottom while that first bite of cold ice cream and sugary chocolate envelopes your taste buds. This is the taste of home… and family… and love.
After dinner, usually at a birthday party, the chocolate sauce gets started and usually with one of the Snow sisters attending to the ingredients or at least, reminding us to “KEEP STIRRING”. The smell is traveling throughout the house. Dessert time is right around the corner.
The preparation is pretty simple: place all ingredients in one medium pan, over medium heat, and stir until the ingredients start boiling… and “KEEP STIRRING”.
Here is everything you need to make a party size batch (serves 10-12):
1/2 cup of whole milk (2% milk works as well)
1/2 stick of butter
3 teaspoons of vanilla
2 cups of sugar
pinch of salt
4 choco bake pouches or equivalent (choco bake is no longer sold, although we petition Nestle regularly to bring it back!)
Here are a couple of choco bake pouch equivalents:
1 choco bake pouch = a tablespoon of vegetable oil and 3-4 tablespoons of cocoa powder mixed together
1 choco bake pouch = 1 oz of unsweetened chocolate (this is the easier equivalent option)
Once you bring the chocolate sauce to a boil remove it from the heat and begin serving. We enjoy holding our bowl of ice cream and chocolate sauce with our hand on the bottom to feel the heat from the sauce and the cold from the ice cream coming together.
This recipe has been handed down for generations. From Grandma Snow down through her 5 daughters, and their children, and now another generation of children…and their children!
After 2 minutes when the ice cream is melting from the hot chocolate sauce.